Facts about using Ovulation Strips / Test Kits, OTKs

Ovulation strips or OTKs don’t work for everyone (eg those with high LH like in PCOS). They only show a surge in LH which for most people happens before ovulation - They do NOT actually CONFIRM that ovulation has happened!

Most people find ovulation strips a stressor in their journey of trying to conceive - instead, if you are TTC, opt for sex every other or third day from the end of your period until your next one starts. If you are ovulating, with this method you will ‘catch’ ovulation, and not rely on sex 1-2 a cycle on what might be the wrong day!

To properly track ovulation in a way that confirms you have ovulated, see my last reel on nasal body temperature tracking !

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Using Basal Body Temperature, BBT to track Ovulation