Ginkgo Biloba for Alzheimer’s, Depression, Vision & ADHD
A very useful herb with so many benefits...Gingko helps reduce airway inflammation and improves lung function. Very appropriate for today’s crazy condition - Covid!
Amazing for high blood pressure, again great during these Corona times. Gingko’s most useful effect with plenty of scientific evidence behind it is for memory loss and therefore for Alzheimer’s; it helps with concentration, anecdotal evidence exists for attention deficit disorder (ADD).
Of course Gingkos ability to increase circulation is not just to the brain but also to the extremities such as the hands and feet, and is therefore great for Raynaud’s disease. It also improves circulation to the erectile tissue therefore helping with impotence.
If you suffer with ringing in the ears, tinnitus due to poor circulation and insufficient blood reaching the inner ear, it’s worth trying this amazing herb.
Another proven benefit of Gingko is that it works as an anti depressant.
Last but not least, Gingko helps with serious conditions effecting the vision, such as, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and chronic open-angle glaucoma.
@solgar Gingko supplements are my favourite. You will start to see the benefit after 8 weeks with 120-140mg daily.
Be aware, Gingko is a blood thinner and if any side effects such as headache, dizziness or gastro discomfort just reduce the dosage.
I just love Gingko!