Does Acupuncture Hurt?

No acupuncture does not hurt, the needles are extremely thin. Most people barely feel anything at all and feel calm and relaxed from a treatment

Are there any side effects?

As acupuncture involves the insertion of needles there will sometimes be a tiny bruise where the needle were inserted. Occasionally, people can feel dizzy or tired after a treatment, but this passes quickly.

To help your acupuncturist ensure that there are no unwanted side effects, please let them know any medications that you are taking, such as anti-coagulants like Warfarin. Also please do let them know if you feel hot, the room is stuffy, or you are hungry/thirsty.

Will my Insurance Cover Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is covered by most major insurers. Typically insurers require your acupuncturist to be a member of the British Acupuncture Council - which both Cassie and Ghila are. Do let us know if you’d like to claim your sessions via your insurer and we can provide you with any necessary information / invoices. For more information on insurance cover, click here.

Is Acupuncture Safe During Pregnancy?

Yes, acupuncture is a proven safe treatment modality that can be extremely helpful during pregnancy, a time when normal medication is often not permitted.

Acupuncture can be helpful for common ailments during pregnancy such as morning sickness, constipation, heartburn, sciatica and back pain.

Acupuncture can even be used to turn a breech presentation, help prepare the body for birth (decreasing need for pain medication during birth and decreasing labour time) and to naturally induce labour.

How Often Do I Need to Come for Treatment?

This depends on the condition which you are coming for. For chronic conditions, typically once a week is recommended, whilst for more acute conditions like a twisted ankle a few treatments in quick succession may do the trick.

How long is a session & how long do the needles stay in?

A session is around 60 - 75 minutes including a consultation. The needles usually stay in for around 15-25 minutes depending on your case. Most people feel very calm with the needles in and often fall asleep during the treatment.

How do I Prepare For an Acupuncture Appointment?

  • Try to eat something before an appointment (2 hours before would be ideal) and bring a bottle of water.

  • Wear loose fitting / comfortable clothing if possible.

  • Bring a list of your medications / supplements including dosage.

How does acupuncture work?

Traditional Chinese Medicine theory focuses on the concept of “Qi”, often referred to as energy or vital substance. This Qi flows around the body creating harmony and balance. When this flow is interrupted, blocked or hindered for any reason, it results in pain and disease. Acupuncture points, which lie along 12 meridians or channels on the body, are a way for the acupuncturist to access this Qi. Fine needles are used to stimulate the acupuncture points to encourage the Qi to flow more freely; strengthening and unblocking it. 

Acupuncture treatments are holistic, meaning that your entire body and system are taken into consideration. The overall aim is to direct the flow of Qi to trigger your body’s own healing response to restore physical, emotional and mental balance. The result of this is the alleviation of specific symptoms, alongside improved digestion, sleep, stress response, anxiety and so on. Overall, acupuncture helps improve general well-being, boosts the immune system and decreases any specific symptoms which you may be experiencing.

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