6 Tips for Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a hormonal cancer and lifestyle and nutrition changes can have a huge impact!

1. Include phytoestrogens like lentils, tempeh, miso, and chickpeas in the diet. flax seeds get a special mention, add 3 tbsp daily to lower prostate cancer cell proliferation.

2. Increase fiber and stay hydrated to boost detoxification and regulate bowel movements, preventing bad oestrogen recirculation.

3. Eat organic where possible and avoid pesticides. Avoid endocrine disruptors in plastic packaging, especially avoid heating food in plastic containers or drinking water from plastic bottles left in the sun.

4. Skip dairy and swap milk for almond milk. Lab studies show almond milk can suppress cancer cell growth, while cow’s milk speeds it up.

5. Cut out eggs; their choline content can drive prostate cancer growth and avoid meat, especially poultry which has been shown to increase prostate cancer growth

6. Eat 3+ handfuls of cruciferous veggies daily (broccoli, kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower).

And a bonus… Drink nettle tea for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effects, especially beneficial for prostate health.


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