Bananas: Simple but packed full of benefit

Why write a post about this simple fruit? Read on..

Sweet, creamy and soo rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre.

They provide high amounts of energy and replenish electrolytes - no wonder athletes love them

Their vit C and manganese provide substantial antioxidant benefits against free radicals

Their potassium and sterols benefit heart health by lowering blood pressure and keeping cholesterol levels in check 

Their pectin, a form of fibre, helps with digestive health, and is also great for ulcers, constipation and haemorrhoids

In Chinese Medicine they are seen as cooling; they moisten the lungs and intestines, so are great for a dry cough and thirst (why not during Corona!); to relieve dryness it is recommended to make a thick soup with bananas

They also help detoxify the body, control blood sugar levels and even provide support with weight loss - since they are sweet and filling they help with sugar cravings.

For me their best benefit is in relation to our nervous system; thanks to their magnesium and tryptophan, they help us relax, fall asleep and overcome depression (again great during Corona).

Caution is needed for those feeling cold and with latex allergies

Enjoy - you can’t go wrong with one nice banana a day.


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