Blackstrap Molasses - Worth a Try
Heard of them?
Probably not! Read on, you will thank me.
Molasses are produced mainly from sugar cane or sugar beets, but can also be made from other foods such as grapes or dates.
The extracted sugar cane juice is boiled many times; each time allowing sugar crystals to be formed and then removed. Blackstrap Molasses (BSM) is the residue once these sugar crystals are removed at the end of the 3rd boiling.
You see ‘sugar’ mentioned and you want to stop reading? Not so fast! BSM is so nutrient dense it is sometimes called a superfood. One tablespoon provides the following %s of daily required amounts:
20% Iron; 15% Calcium; 10% Magnesium; 25% Manganese; 10% Potassium and even some B6, B2, B3, selenium.
Impressed? You should be! also with only a glycemic index of 55 (upper limit of low).
BSM enhances energy, supports bone and nervous system health, helps form collagen, assists thyroid function, regulates blood sugar and blood pressure.
In Chinese Medicine, BSM is seen as warming, tonifying Yin, the spleen and the pancreas, harmonising the liver; though recommended only in small amounts for excess type person.
Wonder food? You bet. What is the catch?
The taste! This low calorie, sweet and bitter taste food is definitely an acquired taste... and I am still acquiring!!
I used it years ago, don’t know what made me stop, now I am trying to go back to it.
Best to buy organic, unsulfured, and use it in your cooking, possibly with your deserts.
Start slow, otherwise you won’t be my friend anymore.. and I can’t have that!