Here is a specific one for women who have: breast/ovarian cancer running in the family, endometriosis, fibroids or oestrogen dominance. 

Broccoli sprouts are your new best friend. They contain 20-50 x the glucosinolates of broccoli (and other brassicas) and these produce 2 compounds:

  1. I3C (Indole 3 carbinol) which promotes liver detoxification and supports the liver’s detoxing of oestrogen

  2. Sulforaphane: also promotes liver detoxification, is anti inflammatory and *anti-carcinogenic* - it literally helps suppress tumours, induces detoxificaition of activated carcinogens (cancer causing things) + inhibits the growth of cancer cells (as it increases anti oxidant defence)

Dose: You want to go for 50g/day if you have any of those issues.

In general broccoli sprouts also have other added benefits, to name a few they: help regulate cholesterol, help us detox environmental toxins via the lungs, reduces upper airway inflammation generally & helps protect against gastric cancer and gastritis.

Caution - sprouts grown in warm, humid conditions so can be contaminated. If you are purchasing pre-sprouted then ensure they have been stored in the fridge. Take extra caution if you are pregnant/immunocompromised in any way. And avoid alfalfa sprouts if you have Lupus.

Better - sprout your own… Method:

1. Sprout in a clear glass jar (not plastic) with a mesh lid or cloth that allows airflow (sprouting kits are available). 

2. Rinse seeds well; place in the sprouting vessel and cover with 2–3 times their volume of filtered water, leaving them to soak until seeds have doubled in size (about eight hours). 

3. Drain the seeds well ensuring good air circulation. 

4. Continue to drain and rinse x 2 / day for 2–5 days. 

5. When the hulls or seed covers float away when rinsing this indicates the sprouts are ready. 

6. Air dry on a kitchen towel for 30–60 minutes. 

7. Store in the fridge (generally keep for 2–5 days).


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