Farts and Poop Explained…

Fun fart fact :

If you have chronic flatulence, it might be that:

  • Farts that don’t smell = your not digesting carbs properly. 

  • Stinky farts = your not digesting meat and fats properly.

Fun Poop facts:

  • Poop is mostly 3/4 water then 1/3 of solid bits are that indigestible fibre we spoke about, 1/3 gut bacteria and 1/3 old bits of medicines, cholesterol etc that our body wants to get rid of.

  • The beautiful Bristol stool chart which many of you will have seen: 

  • A healthy digestive system Will produce types 3/4. 

  • Looking at type can be an indication of how long particles take to pass through the gut. 

    • Type 1: digestive remains take about 100 hours to pass through the system (constipation) 

    • Type 7: pass through in just 10 hours (diarrhoea). 

    • Type 4 is considered ideal due to the ratio of fluid:solid content

  • If you have type 3/4 you might want to also look at how quickly the poop sinks in the toilet water. If it plummets straight to the bottom that can mean it still contains nutrients, meaning you haven’t digested them properly. If the poop sinks slowly it mean that they contain gas (produced by our gut Bacteria) which is a good sign (as long as it’s not accompanied by flatulence) that all is working well.


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