The Benefits of Fruit
Like vegetables, fruit contains many valuable nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fibre. The vitamins that fruit provides are essentially the water soluble ones, like B and C vitamins. Our bodies cannot store these vitamins for future use, therefore we need to include them in our daily diet so that we can function properly and healthily.
Many fruits are alkalising and easily digested. However citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits are exceptions and they may exacerbate acid reflux, therefore they should be avoided in these cases.
Sweet fruits have the highest glycemic index (GI), meaning that our blood sugar levels rise immediately after eating them. Also eating them in excess may promote yeast and dampness.
Fruit does not mix well with other foods and should therefore be eaten away from meals. The exceptions here are lettuce and celery as these combine well with fruit.
In Chinese medicine most fruits have cooling properties, therefore for those feeling cold and frail, raw fruits are not recommended. Heating or cooking fruits makes them less cooling however these should be eaten in moderate amounts as their GI is also high.
Fruits should be eaten locally grown and in season. We must make sure they are organic as most fruits are heavily sprayed.
Eating organic fruits would allow us to enjoy the peel and the many nutrients contained in it.
To keep their high nutritional value, firstly we must eat fruits ripened and in their whole form rather than juicing them; and secondly, we should store them at room temperature, not in the fridge.
In summary, we should enjoy a variety of fruits every day but only 3-4 servings a day.