Genes, do they affect our health?
How often have you heard statements like: There are so many cancers in my family, I am bound to get one; or the opposite: Why did I get Multiple Sclerosis? There is no one with MS in my family!
Natural questions to ask especially with all the research going on nowadays with deciphering the genetic blueprint that is the human genome. However.. without analysing the environment where our genes live, this will achieve very little in preventing or curing chronic diseases.
In Biology of Belief (by Bruce Lipton) this phenomenon is explained scientifically. It is the environment that switches on and off our genes. This may sound simple and I guess it is! But, in practice, this is largely ignored in medical treatments. For example, it’s been proven that adopted children suffer health conditions similar to their adoptive parents rather than their biological parents.
If we believe anything so deeply it is bound to happen. Even more importantly if something is ingrained in us from our childhood that, for example, we will not be successful, we probably won’t be! Unless that is, if we manage to change our beliefs at our subconscious level!
One of my closest friends always believed that she would die at 50 because her father had died at 50. All my efforts to change her negative thinking went in vain. She did die at 50 of cancer.
So please please let’s all try to change our negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. We need laughter and to take everything lightly, even ourselves. Laughing at ourselves rather than getting angry, is a good starting point.
Nature loads the gun but we pull the trigger! I will go even further: Our genes load the gun but our beliefs pull the trigger!
Believe it and it will happen!