Grapefruit Seed Extract & its endless uses!
What a magical little potion this is! It is a natural extremely potent antibiotic that is said to kill over 60 types of bacteria and yeasts. It is anti-fungal, and inhibits parasites, amoebas and viruses (who knows, maybe even against Corona). It is also a powerful anti-oxidant so protects against oxidative damage.
More benefits? Definitely: it prevents diarrhoea, helps with hay fever and stops itching with insect bites and urticaria (for me this has been the best remedy when I did struggle with mosquito bites and recently with urticaria).
There is even more: it is used for warts, athlete’s foot, sinus and ear infections, even for dandruff.
Some people even use it to clean kitchen utensils or sterilising food and to remove pesticides.
It comes in different forms, as capsules, liquids, sprays or ointments. Be aware that it is drying and some commercial ones can be full of synthetic compounds or preservatives and always check the expiry date.
I have only used it externally and I always have a bottle handy at home. You never know when you might need one!