Macular Degeneration: Prevention & Treatment

Yes, yes.. I am back to eyes!

Age-related macular degeneration, AMD, the leading cause of blindness in the West, occurs when the cells in the macula (the central part of retina) start deteriorating with age and overtime leads to blindness.

Free radicals that lead to oxidative stress is believed to be the cause and these are triggered by over exposure to UV light and/or a compromised immune system.

What to avoid:

  • Sun - always wear a hat and dark glasses

  • Saturated/trans fats - meats, full fat dairy, processed foods and margarine

  • Alcohol, smoking, salt, monosodium glutamate (MSG) and most importantly all artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame

Helpful foods:

  • Dark green vegs - such as Kale, spinach, broccoli, cabbage .. as they contain Lutein

  • Yellow, orange fruit and vegs - such as carrots, mangoes.. but not in excess as you may not be converting pro-vitamin A to Vit A (read my post on Vit A)

  • Oily fish - omega 3, very important

  • Whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth and brown rice

  • Vit E rich foods - such as nuts

  • Dark meat from chicken - contains Taurine which is important for the eyes

  • Eye friendly foods - apples, onions, grapes and blueberries

Useful extras:

  • Glutathione with N-Acetyl Cysteine -Trizomal Glutathione from Apex Energetics is great

  • Bilberry extract or Gingko Biloba (read my post on Gingko)

  • Zinc - especially if diet is poor on Zinc, 25mg daily

  • Vit C - 500mg daily

  • Vit E - 200IU daily

  • Melatonin - latest research shows great results but in the UK we need prescription

AMD is a very serious condition and should be taken very seriously to avoid vision problems in old age.


Sardines, more than just Omega 3!


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