Nausea in Pregnancy / Morning Sickness

Morning sickness affects only 14% of women exclusively in the morning. Most get constantly nausea throughout the day.

The most important thing to do is manage your blood sugar, which is at its lowest first thing in the morning after fasting overnight. Keeping snacks right by your bed and having a small amount before bed and immediately first thing in the morning will help keep nausea at bay. Eat small amounts regularly even if you are not hungry. I recommend @amisaorganic buckwheat crackers which are neutral in taste, a bit salty and with some protein in. They are great to have on you at all times.

Get acupuncture! It really really does work for a lot of women, even 1 session may be enough to completely get rid of nausea in pregnancy. It’s completely safe and can help target any other ailments that may have cropped up in the pregnancy like anxiety or constipation.

Stay. Hydrated!! The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is replaced every 3 hours - you have to drink far more water than you might think with this increased demand. Being dehydrated worsens nausea.

Ginger has been shown to help some women, sipping ginger tea throughout the day may ease symptoms.

Make sure to take your prenatal vitamin with food too, it may also be worth swapping brand as sometimes the supplement itself can worsen sickness.

B6 supplements may also help but please, as always, discuss taking any supplements with your healthcare provider.


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