Nettle Tea: A Spring Tonic

In Europe and Asia, stinging nettles have long been used for medicinal purposes. Though this plant may look threatening, it has remarkable benefits:

Rich in vits A, B, C and K, and in minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus, nettle is considered as a ‘blood builder’, it helps with anaemia. Also thanks to its silica content, it improves hair health.

Considered as a ‘spring tonic’ thanks to its detoxification/diuretic effect, it removes toxins from the kidneys and helps with oedema.

Freeze dried nettles are amazing for hay fever (allergic rhinitis); start with 2 capsules 3x day, reduce as improvements are felt.
For me, nettle’s most significant benefit is its anti-inflammatory effect. This plant has been used very successfully to reduce pain associated with arthritis, sciatic pain, tendonitis, and as it also reduces uric acid build up, nettle helps with gout.

Nettle root is a popular remedy for an enlarged prostate, a common ailment with older men, and the associated symptoms such as urination problems.

There are no known significant side effects with Nettle but be aware that it may cause a severe allergic reaction for some and may interact with blood thinners and diuretics.

Just enjoy 1-2 cups of nettle tea a day and see some of its benefits.


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