How to Boost Nutrient Absorption

Do you think that when you eat any food you automatically absorb all the nutrients in it? Probably... if you are in your 20s! And if you do not suffer with digestive issues such as IBS or gastritis. Ageing and stress also reduce our absorption significantly.

I have already written about the importance of chewing well for digestion. Chewing activates stomach acid production and amylase, the enzyme in the saliva which starts breaking down the food. The small intestine is where most absorption occurs and pancreatic enzymes help break down sugars, proteins and fats.
When vital nutrients are not absorbed properly then multiple health problems can occur, from eczema or hair loss.. to autoimmune and degenerative conditions.
Little helpful hints along the way:

- Reduce junk and heavy/rich meals such as excessive red meats and cheeses; increase plant based foods
- Avoid high sugar and fried foods
- Avoid too much liquid at meal times
- A teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar (preferably with the mother) before meals helps stomach acid production
- Start meals with bitters such as cruciferous vegs, salads or a teaspoon of Aloe Vera juice
- Chew each bite 40-50x
- Increase raw foods which have more digestive friendly enzymes
- Avoid eating for 3 hours before bedtime, and, 2 hours before and 1 hour after exercise
- if you are suffering with digestion, separate proteins from carbs in the same meal; eat fruits away from meals; also try digestive enzymes and/or hydrochloric acid

You may think these are obvious things to do but are you doing them? Maybe not! Just be aware that we all need good digestion to avoid health issues.. and I promise you these health issues do come eventually.. and sometimes very fast!


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