Phytates & Iron Explained

Phytates are found in whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds and they help detox excess iron from the body (which could otherwise turn into harmful free radicals as we have no natural way to rid ourselves of this iron). This is one reason why increased animal meat consumption has been linked to higher cancer risk. So, If you eat a lot of animal products - try pairing them with some beans/lentils to help manage the ratio of heam iron (the kind found in animal protein) to phytates. 

If you didn’t already need another reason to donate blood doing so is another way to decrease the amount of heam iron we have and actually has been linked to a lowered risk of dying from gut cancers. 

Phytates also generally inhibit the growth of human cancer cells and keep our other cells growing healthily. In fact, some studies have shown they have the ability to decrease tumour size. They are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing. 


Watermelon: Juicy & Healthy


Vegan? Always tired? Time to get your B12 levels checked.