Eye health: Look after your eyes to prevent all kinds of health problems now and in later years!
We can not underestimate the importance of healthy eyes. Their benefits extend from improving our quality of life, keeping us safe, and allowing us to navigate our environment and the world around us… to brain health, including cognitive performance. Visual impairment may even prevent us from engaging in everyday activities.
First things first: have regular eye check-ups. These can detect early on not only eye diseases like Glaucoma, Cataracts, or Macular Degeneration but also other health conditions such as High Blood Pressure, brain tumours, Diabetic Retinopathy, Leukaemia, and even Alzheimer’s.
Next, make sure to have a healthy, anti-inflammatory diet rich in Lutein and Zeaxanthin; these include green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and arugula, egg yolk. Do not forget pistachios, which contain high levels of Lutein, and high levels of Lutein help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, it even crosses the blood-brain barrier!
Also don’t forget to include SMASH oily fish (salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines and herring) in your diet, at least 2x a week. Omega 3, especially DHA is best obtained from food but failing that, supplements may also be beneficial.
Of course, stop smoking, limit alcohol intake and reduce screen time; at least look away from the screen for 20 secs every 15-20 mins.
Last but not least, always wear sunglasses on sunny days and never look at the sun directly.
Love and cherish your eyes; then you will see the world smiling back at you.