Vagus Nerve: How to Stimulate it to Decrease Inflammation
I have been posting a lot of nutritional info about de-stressing, but there are other practical ways that are very effective; and stimulating the vagus nerve is one of them.
Vagus nerve, the largest and possibly the most important nerve in the body, carries messages to and from the brain and the intestines, passing through the neck, the chest and the abdomen. By activating this nerve we can reduce stress, the effects of physical trauma and, by supporting the para-sympathetic nervous system, we can reduce inflammation throughout the body and restore balance and health.
Here are some simple ways to achieve this:
- Slow and deep breathing; 5 counts to breathe in, hold for 2secs, 10 counts to breathe out; the idea being no more than 6 breaths a minute
- Humming; the vagus nerve passes through the vocal cords so the vibrations of humming help achieve the desired effect
- Gargling with water; deep and vigorous gargling with each sip of a large glass of water, until the glass is emptied
- Singing out as loud as possible; preferably if you have a nice voice!!!
- Cold exposure; finishing showers with cold water for 30secs
- Loud laughter; this also makes you feel great immediately
See which one works for you. They are all easy to practice; my favourites are deep/slow breathing and humming. Cold showers also offer anti-aging benefits but so far I only manage ‘coldish’ water..
Remember the key is to practice often.. but every day. You will be pleased quite quickly.