Vitamin D and Sugar Sensitivity
A note following up from the discussion on sugar sensitivity - *Vitamin D actually helps regulate the sensitivity of our cells to insulin* (i.e. helps us release only the right amount when we ingest sugar), so if you feel like you are really sugar-sensitive, it might be worth looking at your vitamin D levels.
We have already spoken about Vitamin D in this group but a reminder, during these summer months are you getting 10-20 minutes of sun exposure a day? (when the sun is high in the sky without suncream) - don’t forget if you have darker skin you might need 3-6 x more sun exposure than 20min to be getting enough VitD. Looking outside at London weather today, probably most of us don’t.
Vitamin D also helps support our immune function (think viral/bacterial infections, allergies) + supports gut health (reducing inflammation and ‘leaky gut’ - *IBD/Auto immune people in this group…definitely something to think about*!), and is anti cancer (they have found people severely VitD deficient are 3 x more likely to get stage 3 cancer - obviously so many more things in play with this but worth thinking about). Lastly, you need Vitamin D to regulate Calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood/bones (and vitamin K2 which is why you should take supplements that combine vitamin D3 and K2).
So, get out in the sun (when you can) and VitD rich foods - sun soaked shiitake mushrooms (leave them outside in sun before you eat), or if not vegan - cod liver oil, oily fish (wild salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring), and organic egg yolks. or last resort take a supplement (Vitamin D3 and K2 spray).
Also, VitD is a fat soluble vitamin so you do need some good fats (avocado, olive oil) in the diet, and some Magnesium as it’s is a co-factor in the synthesis of VitD (green leafy veggies). Lastly, dysbiosis (not enough good bacteria in the gut) affects absorption of Vitamin D from food - so already discussed a lot - as always think fibre (prebiotics) and eating the rainbow (probiotics).