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As far as I am concerned this subject requires a post, though you might think it’s complete rubbish!

In simple terms, my understanding is that we need to balance our body’s positive charge with the earth’s vast supply of negatively charged free electrons. This creates a stable bioelectrical environment with immense health benefits.

Our modern lifestyle, such as wearing rubber/plastic shoes separates us from connecting with the earth; however the surface of the earth is electrically conductive and when we absorb the free electrons we neutralise free radicals that are damaging to our health.

Clint Ober, the pioneer in this area, has done blinded spot studies and found that his subjects reported their chronic pain and/or sleep problems have improved. This result has been confirmed by various other studies too. However, the benefits do not stop there. Further studies and some anecdotal reports also showed improvements in immune and digestive system health, arthritis, auto immune conditions, reductions in blood pressure and quick recovery from injuries and intense physical activity.

Just try to go barefoot on a natural surface like grass or sand, for about 30- 40 mins daily and see how you feel. If that’s not possible buy an earthing product such as an earthing mat. Obviously the longer you are grounded the better; so you can sleep on a conductive sheet and spend your sleeping hours connected to the earth. is a good website to check out.

Do I ground? You bet! To be honest I had bought some of the products years ago but somewhere along the way I forgot about them..a big mistake; now I try as long as possible.

I say, nothing to loose and maybe a lot to gain, so why not?

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Ghila Bali

After many years of my friends pushing me to do so, I’ve finally decided to share the fruits of my 30+ years of health and wellness knowledge.

Following a Ph.D in Economics I had a complete career change and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, graduating as an Acupuncturist over 25 years ago. Since then I have continued to study - completing degrees in Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Nutrition and becoming a Reiki Healer.

I continue to treat patients and am an avid reader of all things health. This page aims to provide a consolidated account of my past and continued learnings.

I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you take control of your health and better understand your body and mind.


