

Their benefits and how to cook them.

Lentils are high in plant protein and they are a good source of iron and folic acid. They provide lots of fibre, they are high in magnesium and they are great for the bones.

Lentils come in different colours; in Chinese Medicine different colours are seen influencing different elements, for example red lentils influence the Fire element, brown lentils affect the Water element and green lentils influence the Wood element.

With all the benefits that lentils provide, one wonders why they don’t suit everybody. Lentils can be drying and those who are weak are told not to consume them in large amounts. Also some people don’t digest lentils well and they suffer flatulence. However if prepared properly, these problems may be be avoided. In Ayurvedic medicine, it is recommended to eat lentils with some oil. In Chinese Medicine lentils improve the vitality of the kidneys.

Lentils are soaked for around 8 to 10 hours. The water should be changed at least once and discarded after soaking.

In a separate bowl soak a tablespoon of seaweed such as Kombu or Arame for about 15 minutes, then discard the water.

Put the soaked seaweed at the bottom of the pot, add soaked lentils and cold water. Bring to boil, reduce heat, cover and cook for one hour. Add 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt, a little Cumin, fennel and ginger. Continue to cook for about 15-20 minutes, until soft.

You can enjoy sprouted lentils but it is advised to eat them sautéed in winter as, when sprouted they become quite cooling.

Lentils are delicious... enjoy.

Ghila Bali

After many years of my friends pushing me to do so, I’ve finally decided to share the fruits of my 30+ years of health and wellness knowledge.

Following a Ph.D in Economics I had a complete career change and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, graduating as an Acupuncturist over 25 years ago. Since then I have continued to study - completing degrees in Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Nutrition and becoming a Reiki Healer.

I continue to treat patients and am an avid reader of all things health. This page aims to provide a consolidated account of my past and continued learnings.

I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you take control of your health and better understand your body and mind.



