
At Vale of Health, acupuncture is at the core of our holistic approach to wellness. Rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), acupuncture uses fine needles to balance the body’s energy (qi). This 3000-year-old practice helps address a wide range of physical and emotional health concerns, from chronic pain and digestive issues to stress and hormonal imbalances.

Our treatments are personalised to meet your unique needs, whether you are seeking relief from a specific condition or simply looking to maintain overall well-being.

How Acupuncture Can Help:

  • Pain Relief: Acupuncture is renowned for reducing chronic pain, whether it's from migraines, arthritis, or musculoskeletal conditions. By improving blood flow and releasing tension in the muscles, acupuncture can offer long-lasting relief without the need for medication.

  • Stress & Emotional Well-being: In our busy modern lives, stress can manifest mentally and physically. While it might sound crazy that having needles stuck in you could be relaxing, acupuncture is well known for its ability to help reduce anxiety, calm the nervous system, and promote a sense of peace.

  • Hormonal Health & Fertility: Acupuncture supports hormonal regulation and reproductive health, making it an ideal complement to fertility treatments or as a natural method for balancing menstrual cycles, managing conditions such as PCOS or Endometriosis, or alleviating pregnancy, postpartum or menopausal discomforts. 

  • Acupuncture & IVF: Acupuncture alongside IVF has been well-researched, and results show that regular acupuncture treatments can increase your AMH, thicken your endometrial lining, and improve your chance of a successful IVF pregnancy by more than 30%. Acupuncture isn’t just about the numbers though; it’s also there to calm your body and mind during an already stressful time.

What To Expect

During your session, we will start with a long consultation, delving into all the different systems of the body. Acupuncture is a holistic practice, meaning that even if you are coming for a painful shoulder, we may ask you about your digestive system or menstrual cycle!  The treatment is tailored to you, stimulating your body’s own healing processes. We check your pulse and tongue, after which fine needles are inserted into acupuncture points on your body.

Contrary to what it sounds like, acupuncture is mostly painless, and you’ll likely feel very relaxed both during and after the session, most people fall asleep - snoring is allowed! All our sessions are completely confidential. Just come with a full tummy and in loose clothing…. Your acupuncturist does NOT care if you have shaved your legs!

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