Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture (FCA) & Acne Treatment

Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture, FCA, is a method of using fine needles inserted into the face and body to decrease the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes, scarring and sagging, whilst making the skin more firm and smooth.

FCA builds on the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, acupuncture. It is a holistic practice that looks at the whole body and can benefit the entire person as part of a localised cosmetic treatment. This increases the benefits and leads to longer lasting results. This is a key way that FCA differentiates itself from other cosmetic treatments available.

TCM, Acupuncture and Naturopathic Nutrition work together to understand the root cause of your wrinkles, acne or other skin issues. We understand how expensive and frustrating it is to try every new cream or facial that promises to solve your acne or wrinkles fail again. Hormonal acne always has a root cause deeper in the body and we are here to help find and solve it. We can advise not just on topical treatments, but with acupuncture and nutrition we will help you subtly adjust your diet to improve your hormonal balance and digestion, support your detoxification pathways and decrease unwanted inflammation in the body. That plus working with FCA to get rid of any scarring or wrinkles, all work together to resolve your problem skin. This is not just another fad face routine; we help you create long-lasting results so you feel confident to go out and face the world makeup-free and feeling your best.

How FCA Works

Improving Skin Health: FCA stimulates collagen and elastin production, improves blood circulation (qi), and increases microcirculation. It also enhances lymphatic drainage, muscle tone, and facial elasticity, which together help restore the skin to a more youthful, radiant state.

  • Hydration & Wrinkle Prevention: FCA boosts the oil and water content in the skin, reducing dryness that contributes to wrinkle formation and helping to maintain a healthy, hydrated glow.

  • Holistic Facial Diagnosis: We conduct a detailed facial diagnosis using TCM techniques. This allows us to identify deeper imbalances in the body, and we treat both the specific areas of concern and the underlying organ pathologies.

Included: LED Mask Therapy

All FCA treatments at Vale of Health include 20-25 minutes of LED mask therapy, which further enhances skin rejuvenation. LED light therapy is non-invasive, painless, and works by penetrating different layers of the skin depending on the color wavelength used.

The benefits of LED colors:

  • Red: Stimulates collagen production and promotes healing, making it ideal for anti-aging treatments.

  • Blue: Targets acne-causing bacteria and acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

  • Purple: Combines the benefits of red and blue light to address both acne and post-acne pigmentation.

  • Green: Regulates melanin production to reduce hyperpigmentation and even skin tone.

Why Choose FCA Over Other Cosmetic Treatments?

  • Holistic Approach: FCA doesn't just treat the skin, it addresses the underlying imbalances in the body that may be contributing to skin issues. This means the results are more comprehensive and long-lasting.

  • Natural & Non-Invasive: Unlike Botox or fillers, FCA is completely natural and works with your body to promote healing and rejuvenation from within.

  • Whole-Body Wellness: By targeting acupuncture points on the face and body, FCA improves overall well-being, reducing stress and promoting internal balance, further enhancing skin health.

Interested in learning more about how FCA can transform your skin naturally?

Book a consultation to discover how we can create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your unique skin and health needs.

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