7 ways to alleviate period pains from a nutritionist & acupuncturist
7 ways to alleviate period pains from a nutritionist & acupuncturist:
1. Keep your abdomen, lower back and feet warm all throughout the cycle but especially when you are bleeding: in Chinese medicine, heat moves blood and qi - pain is often caused by a build up of one or both of these things.
2. Move your body, but gently - movement helps to budge any stagnant energy or blood that is causing pain. A walk outside in nature is your best bet.
3. Avoid very heavy/greasy, rich, raw or cold food. These food exacerbate any pain and discomfort. Now is not the time for salads and smoothies. Opt for warm soups, stews, or slow cooked meats and vegetables.
4. Opt for foods high in magnesium such as dark green leafy veg, seeds, dark chocolate, complex carbs like quinoa and brown rice. Magnesium is natures relaxant and great for reliving any physical pain
5. Try acupuncture or reflexology. Both are great for immediate relief of cramps. You can also try self acupressure at SPLEEN 6 ( see one of my last reels on how to locate this point)
6. Make sure to rest as much as your body needs & avoid anything stressful you can get away with skipping. Around your cycle you will need to sleep more or less at different times - listen to your body! Sleep is when we heal and melatonin is a strong antioxidant helping us to battle pain. Cortisol on the other hand increases inflammation and pain.
7. Consume anti inflammatories like healthy fats (omega 3 rich oily fish or nuts/seeds, hummus, extra virgin olive oil, avocado etc). Pain is inflammation and if you consume anti inflammatory foods your pain will decrease!