Broccoli for detoxification & Smoking
We all know smoking is bad for us and anyone here that does smoke - stopping is your best bet. One way smoking is bad is that it damages our DNA and therefore increases the potential for cancer cell growth.
Eating broccoli (and Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage etc) daily can actually help decrease the amount of DNA mutations happening. This is because broccoli gives a powerful boost to our livers detoxifying enzymes helping clear out carcinogens (things that cause cancer) like those we get from smoking.
This is the same reason why I’ve mentioned it being great for anyone suffering from oestrogen dominance - it helps detoxify our unwanted hormones, especially useful for women in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle, or anyone with eg endometriosis or breast/ovarian cancer running in the family.
Brassicas also help give the body a general immune boost against any pollutants in our environments & against potentially harmful substances in the food we eat. Brassicas specifically strengthen the immune cells that line our gut and help block these toxins from harming us.