Lemons and Limes: Benefits for Health
I can’t remember a day in my life when lemons or limes did not appear in my diet! They may taste acidic to some people but for me they are not just yummy but also very refreshing.
Of course, they are also so beneficial:
High in Vit C - powerful against oxidative damage caused by free radicals
Heart health - they are high in flavonoid phytonutrients, such as naringenin
Helps digestion - alleviate bloating and flatulence, especially their juices
Antiseptic and antimicrobial - great against cold/flu and a sore throat
Help lower cholesterol - their flavonoids, also found in the peel and in the whitish skin under the peel, help reduce LDL, the ‘bad cholesterol’
Help destroy bacteria - especially in the mouth and intestines
Eye wash - one drop mixed in warm water; I haven’t tried as my eyes are problematic but with a bit of courage have a go.
In Chinese Medicine they are seen as cooling, astringent and antiseptic, and are highly recommended with meals with heavy/dense animal protein
Unfortunately they are high in Oxalates so if you have problems such as kidney stones, don’t go crazy with them. And, as always, get them organic otherwise you might end up with the wax on them, which you really want to avoid.