Brown Rice for your Mental Health

Is rice a bad and naughty food?.... it’s fattening, a contributor to obesity and diabetes/blood sugar imbalances ….

But..... this is in only reference to refined white rice, where milling causes all the nutrients to be lost. So many people as a result cut these carbs out of the diet entirely or feel guilty eating them, so i wanted to mention some of whole wheat rice’s benefits.

  • Its a good source of fibre,

  • has a positive effect on blood sugar regulation,

  • contains 70+ antioxidants (some that specifically target oxides from fats/oils),

  • contains unique forms of vitamin E (rare tocotrienols) that lower excess fat & cholesterol + provide anti-tumour protection,

  • an antioxidant found only in brown rice in meaningful quantities (Gamma-oryzanol) strengthens all the bodies muscles, AND converts fat into lean body mass. It improves blood circulation to the extremities (and helps with clots/blood stagnation) and helps with hormone regulation,

  • ALA another antioxidant in brown rice promotes liver restoration,

  • GPx an enzyme in brown rice also helps detoxify the body - its used to treat liver cirrhosis from alcoholism, (plus RA, MS, acne and asthma - it generally helps boost respiratory function and reduces mucus),

  • Both ALA and GPx plus another Antioxidant found in rice are also all used to help with the symptoms of ageing,

  • Lastly, lecithin found in brown rice, helps absorb vitamin A and other fat soluble vitamins and has been used extensively to enhance brain activity, especially in terms of improving attention (eg in ADHD).

Brown rice in TCM is used for its calming effects, which in western nutrition is connected with brown rice’s abundance of B vitamins and trace minerals. Linked to studies showing a high percentage of people with mental health issues - depression/anxiety, are deficient in B vitamins & zinc.

When eating rice, something to be cautious of is arsenic which is a toxin found in rice (most in rice cakes/crackers, and more in brown than white basmati). This makes soaking & preparation methods all the more important. Make sure to soak the brown rice overnight, rinsed (until the water runs clear), cooked with excess water, rinse again.

So in summary - don’t ditch carbs entirely (even if your goal is weight loss), prepare it properly & swap white rice for unrefined/whole wheat brown rice !


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