The Benefits of Coconuts

Coconut, fruit of the coconut palm, is very nutritious and contains both plant protein and important essential minerals.

- It’s powerful antioxidant polyphenols eg Gallic acid, reduce LDL cholesterol, prevent oxidative stress damage and improve immunity
- Low in carbs, high in fibre, therefore may stabilise blood sugar levels; and the arginine aids the pancreas to work more effectively; it’s high fibre also helps with bowel health
- it’s medium chain fatty acids, MCTs strengthen gut bacteria, reduce inflammation and benefit the brain
- it’s manganese and copper are great for bone health
- it’s iron, selenium and Copper help red blood cells formation and protection of cells
- It’s magnesium for electrolyte balance
- zinc and selenium for thyroid function
- topically used for youthful hair and skin, and prevents age spots and wrinkles; though for some it may encourage acne spots

In Chinese Medicine, coconut is seen as warming, strengthening and tonifying the heart; it’s milk increases yin fluids.

Recently coconut also appears as a favourite in Keto diets to induce ketosis where the body burns fat instead of glucose for energy.

Thanks to it’s stable oil with low rancidity, it is also recommended for cooking.

Remember though, coconut is high in calories and it’s a saturated fat so in excess may increase heart disease risk.

I use coconut oil mostly for oil-pulling; a teaspoon swished around the mouth for 20 mins 2x a week. After spitting it out, gargle with salty water. This way Coconut gets rid of harmful bacteria In the mouth and reduces plaque and gingivitis.


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