Cabbage & its Benefits

Don’t you love cabbage. If your answer is no then read on, you might change your mind!

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetables vegetable, low in calories, high in nutrients- vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and rich in soluble fiber.

Cabbage lowers inflammation and protects against infection. It helps improve digestion (great for acid reflux and gastric ulcers). It may help lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, hence great for heart health.

Cabbage is a great source of vitamins C and K, therefore great for vision and certain cancers.

Cabbage comes in many colours, red, purple, green and white. You can eat it in a soup or a salad or ferment it into sauerkraut.

However, cabbage can cause gas and make you bloated. You can avoid this by boiling cabbage with dill, sage and fennel seeds.

Also caution is recommended for those suffering with thyroid problems, like hypothyroidism as, like all other goitrogenic foods, cabbage can affect the thyroid function


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