Dairy: When to Avoid it

Dairy products are rich in protein and contain a large amount of vital nutrients, such as omega 3s, tryptophan, vitamins B1, B 12, D and K, and minerals such as calcium, selenium and phosphorus.

It is advisable to consume organic, grass fed and the least processed types of dairy, mostly from whole milk. Since dairy products are high in saturated fat, only small amounts should be consumed.

For arthritis and rheumatism patients, it is best to consume goat’s milk only, as goat’s milk contains more digestible fat and has abundant fluorine. Our favourite is the natural yoghurt from Vrai (may be obtained from Abel and Cole @abelandcole ). Dairy allergy is quite common. This can affect multiple systems and may cause morbidity. In these cases all dairy products should be avoided.

Lactose intolerance is quite different from a dairy allergy. Those intolerant would experience gas, bloating, diarrhoea or an upset stomach. These symptoms may occur hours or even a day after consumption. IBS patients seem to be intolerant to many foods including dairy. In these cases, enzyme supplementation may be necessary. Our favourite is Intolerance Complex from Enzyme Science

In the cases of autoimmune conditions, such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, immune complexes or probiotics may help with digestive complaints. Our favourite is Pro-15 probiotics from Hyperbiotics @hyperbiotics.

In summary, it is best to consume dairy from goats and only in small amounts. For dairy related digestive issues, try digestive enzymes or probiotics.


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