Constipated and don’t know it?

Are you constipated & don’t even know it? 💩 Our bodies dump our unwanted toxins and waste like excess cholesterol, lead, Mercury, oestrogen etc into our stools. If we don’t get them out in time then they can be recycled back into the blood stream causing us harm.

You can test your own transit time by eating a bunch of beetroot (I’ve already gone on about all the benefits of beetroot enough) and see how long before your stools turn pink. Less than 24-36 hours and your transit time is looking good. Longer than that you are effectively constipated and so increase your fibre intake and see here for all the other ways I’ve mentioned to help manage constipation.

The longer it takes for your stools to pass through the intestines (the transit time), the higher the likelihood of colorectal cancer. What can you do? Eat more fibre = bulkier stools and lower transit times. Steaming greens (kale spinach etc) also helps as it improves bile-salt bonding ability which helps protect against liver and colon cancer.


Ginger, but not at night


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