Brushing your Teeth can boost your Fertility

Did you know that your oral health could be affecting your fertility?

An interesting correlation has been found between the oral microbiome (the healthy bacteria that live in your mouth), and fertility (in both men and women).

Periodontal disease and oral mouth infections (inflammation in the mouth resulting from bacterial infection) can lengthen the time to conceive by 2 months or more. It prevents ovulation in women and affects male fertility too. The metabolic waste from the bacteria (and the inflammatory markers produced) can cross the placenta and affect the foetus if you are already pregnant, and a specific type of bacteria (which is found in those with periodontal disease) has been found in woman who have given birth prematurely. Treatment of oral bacterial infection has shown a 20% improvement in spermatic parameters (like sperm count, motility etc).

So, just another reason to make sure you are keeping your oral hygiene in check. Brush regularly, floss, use a probiotic mouthwash… and of course, STOP SMOKING. Lastly, if you have mercury fillings perhaps get these looked at (and if necessary think about getting them removed/replaced).


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