I’ve mentioned before in TCM that it’s all about eating in season. (a simple breakdown of whats in season here for those of you who live in the UK - https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/seasonal-calendar/all).

There is also an emphasis on eating certain foods and using specific cooking methods/foods depending on the season. Whilst we are currently in Spring (considered Wood time, the time of the Liver) these include: 

  • eating less and lighter foods

  • eat young plants, fresh greens/sprouts - young beets, carrots and other sweet starchy veg

  • eat more basil, fennel, rosemary, caraway, dill, bay leaves

  • avoid salty foods such as soy, miso, and sodium rich meats (red meat)

  • use simpler cooking methods - light steaming, a quick simmer

  • Eat more sour foods to get the energy of the body moving. Caution if you eat a lot of sour/lemony foods (especially if you are post menopausal) as this can leech calcium out of the bones.


Oestrogen Dominance: Explained


Rice - Brown, red and wild