Eggs: A Complete Protein

Require small amounts of potent animal protein? Go for eggs!

Egg whites rich in ‘complete’ protein (it contains all the essential amino acids) and yolks rich in many powerful nutrients.

- Optimum growth - their protein helps build, repair and strengthen
- Eye health (yes me and eyes again) - rich in Lutein, Zeaxanthin, omega 3, vit A and zinc
- Heart and Brain health - rich in Omega 3, lecithin, choline, all B vits, vit D, zinc
- Prevent birth defects - rich in B vits and choline
- Worried about cholesterol? Don’t be! Eggs actually help remove cholesterol from the liver and make it available for energy; they also increase ‘ good cholesterol’ levels
- Weight loss - eggs are filling so they keep you satisfied and full for longer after eating

In Chinese Medicine, eggs are seen as tonifying blood and yin; but they also promote dampness so limit eggs if you have signs like mucus; they also contribute to ‘wind’ conditions such as strokes and spasms, so again limit them if worried about these conditions.

Eggs can cause allergic reactions for some; anaphylaxis is less common but hives, diarrhoea and wheezing may be experienced, so caution is needed here.

Unless you are a vegan, including cooked small amounts of eggs in your diet seems safe and healthy!


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Celery for your health