Celery for your health
Throughout our lives we face challenges with health problems. These become even more difficult as we age.
Aches and pains start, inflammation sets in, we put on weight, our cognitive function deteriorates, our cholesterol levels start creeping up along with our blood pressure... and all that, without even talking about the big ones, like cancer. So we need all the help we can get!
Here comes celery with all its benefits:
Celery is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins (such as vitamins A, C, K, B2 and B6), and minerals (such as potassium and manganese).
Celery helps reduce inflammation.
Celery supports our digestion, has an alkalising effect, therefore helps neutralise acidic foods.
Celery helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
Celery stimulates nerve cell generation, therefore helps us to learn and remember.
In Chinese Medicine, celery is considered anti bacterial, anti inflammatory, anti viral, anti oxidant, hence may be of great benefit to combat serious conditions like cancer.
As always, it is better to consume it fresh rather than in a supplement form, just make sure you are not allergic to it.
Also, celery is likely to contain large amounts of pesticide so it’s best to buy it organic and wash it well.
Lastly, celery is considered a negative calorie food. Eat lots without worrying about weight gain