Leeks: A forgotten Vegetable

A forgotten vegetable? I guess so, but it is a shame as they contain such healthy nutrients.

Leeks are rich in Carotenoids, vits A, B6, C, E, K; and contain significant amounts of manganese, copper, iron, magnesium and calcium.
- Promote heart health; rich in kaemferol, polyphenols, folate (in its active form), and sulfur, all protecting the blood vessels from damage, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol
- Anti cancer activity; leeks, together with onions and garlic, make part of sulfur rich allium vegetables, these offer protection against all cancers but especially that of colon, breast and prostate

In Chinese Medicine, leeks are seen as pungent and sour flavour, and considered astringent, thus helping with diarrhoea and bleeding.

To maximise their health benefits, let cut/sliced leeks sit for 10 mins or add to an acid such as lemon juice, before cooking. Afterwards they may be sautéed in pre-heated water or broth for 7-10 mins; remove from heat and mix with other vegetables as desired! Best consumed with extra virgin olive oil.

Leeks add nice flavour to most dishes and offer great health benefits so why forget them!!! 


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