In addition to the brassicas in the 2nd phase of the period cycle, there are other foods that help regulate periods (both timing and limiting PMS symptoms/cramps etc.) Seed rotating is a very powerful tool.

In the first half of the cycle (days 1-14, the follicular phase) consume 1 tbsp of ground flax (soaked, eg in porridge) and 1tbsp pumpkin seeds daily to regulate oestrogen levels.

Flax seeds contain something called lignans which are ‘phytoestrogens’ basically a plants version of oestrogen so can mimic the effects of oestrogen - so they are also great to eat during/after menopause when oestrogen levels start to decline (again, this helps limit negative symptoms of menopause such as hot flushes). Note, the flax seeds should preferably be freshly ground as they oxidise quickly.

Another thing to have in the 1st half of the cycle are spearmint and peppermint tea, which also help regulate hormone levels by decrease free testosterone and prolactin levels and stimulate female stimulating hormone.

In the luteal phase (14-28) swap your seeds to 1 tbsp sesame and 1tbsp sunflower seeds to boost progesterone levels.


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