Living in time with the Chinese Clock

According to TCM, the Chinese clock determines the best time to do certain actions throughout the day. Not all of our lives can be so regulated, nor our work so controlled, but definitely some interesting ideas. If you are someone that wakes up at the same time every night and don’t know why, it may be related to the organ responsible for that time slot. 

7-9am: Stomach time. Earth element. 

  • The time to wake up & eat a warm nutritious breakfast with some protein in it

  • Earth is all about being grounded, a solid start to the day

  • Try not to do multiple things whilst eating breakfast - eat mindfully.

9-11: Spleen time. Earth Element. 

  • Go go go. Energy is up.

  • The time to work hardest, get everything ticked off your to do list.

  • The time when concentration & memory is the best - if you’re studying for anything, revise now.

  • The spleen soothes our emotions making this the least emotionally reactive time of the day. So its best to have difficult conversations or deal with tricky issues/people in this time. Asking for a raise, relationship issues, apologise now etc.

  • Earth element is about sweetness but try avoid sugary treats

  • By having a nutritious breakfast in stomach time the spleen can convert this food into energy for the rest of the day.

  • The earth element being out of balance is what causes overthinking and mulling over the same thoughts over and over again. Taking care of the stomach and spleen allows calm emotions and positivity for the day.

11am-1pm. Heart time. Fire element. 

  • The heart houses our soul so this time is all about spreading the love & joy and accessing our spirit: finding purpose in our life.

  • We are our most expressive - so schedule creative meetings & make important work decisions & plans for the future in this time.

  • Noon is the most yang time of the cycle, our energy should be highest.

  • Working hard is in the spleen time, build momentum then and now work smart. Be productive intellectually.

1-3pm. Small intestine time. Fire element. 

  • Have a warm, large lunch. Not whilst working. Chat to people and enjoy this time.

  • Slow down now as you transition into yin time. Try to relax if you can but if not, only do your least taxing work of the day.

3-5pm. Bladder time. Water element. 

  • Cruise control turns on, continue working but doing the easiest tasks of the day.

5-7pm. Kidney time. Water element. 

  • Laugh, enjoy some drinks, have sex (kidneys are responsible for sexual energy and actually whilst this is the best time for sex anytime between 5-10 pm is good).

7-9pm. Pericardium. Fire element. 

  • The pericardium is the membrane that surrounds and protects our heart. In Chinese medicine it’s considered to be another organ.

  • In this time relax, be yourself and let the tension of the day drift away. A good way to do so is being creative (listen to music, read, watch tv even or do a creative hobby)

  • Change clothes out of your work clothes and into relaxing ones - even if you’re working at home in your PJs change to separate the day

  • Eat dinner (around 7.30 is the best time)

9-11pm. San jiao. Fire element 

  • The San Jiao is a mysterious organ in TCM: a motorway for chi (energy) to flow around the body. It’s been compared to our hormone network or lymphatic system in western terms.

  • This is when you should be going to bed - without tv or phones.

11pm-1am. Gall bladder. Wood element. 

  • This organ is said to be responsible for having the courage to action out our plans. If there is disharmony in this organ we end up having lots of ideas but lack the ability to actually implement them.

  • During this time you should be asleep. The purpose here is to access the centre of our problem solving abilities - hence the saying, if you have a problem - sleep on it.

1-3am liver time. Wood element. 

  • The most yin time. We should be asleep.

  • The liver is considered the general of the body. It is responsible for the overall planning of all our bodies functions

  • The liver stores the blood and controls how much is released to where & when. Whilst we are asleep our blood goes back to the liver to be cleansed and revitalised. The best position for this to happen is lying flat on your right side with your liver pointing towards the mattress.

  • This is particularly important for women (who can be particularly sensitive to the benefits of cleansed blood and the liver energy) due to what this does to our emotional balance (an off regulated liver is what causes PMS symptoms or late periods)

  • The liver is also responsible for our energy moving smoothly throughout the body. When this is off kilter we feel anger or irritability (again this is why women sometimes feel like this with PMS)

  • The spirit of the liver (called the hun) is said to go out the body into the universe in this time.

3-5am. Lung time. Metal element. 

  • Sleep more! The body starts to prepare for the day ahead during this time

  • The spirit of the lungs is the Po. This spirit connects us to the physical world and let’s us actually feel what’s around us. During this time the body is said to be waking up to the physical sensations around it and gearing up for the day ahead.

5-7am. Large intestine time. Metal element 

  • this time is about letting go (emotionally and physically) & allowing the brining in of the new

  • Wake up

  • Drink some water

  • Do a 💩 poo and get rid of all the toxins that were digested yesterday and that the liver has cleansed overnight.

  • Do some stretching

  • Meditate.

  • Exercise. This is the best time to do so.

  • Avoid coffee or cigarettes


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