Miso + Wakame for Sex Hormone Excretion

Once we use our sex hormones, the body needs to get rid of them - they are detoxified in the liver then excreted via urine/stools. If they don’t get excreted out the body quick enough (any liver detoxing issues, or eg with constipation where excretion is slowed), the body ends up recycling these hormones back into circulation, which we don’t want. This again is relevant if you have those signs of oestrogen dominance (eg. hormonal cystic spots around the jawline are a big tell tell sign), although this excretion is important for both men and women. 

Aside from the brassicas I spoke about which help do this, adding miso (from fresh miso paste from brown rice is best) + wakame seaweed to your diet also helps this process. Miso + wakame help to reduce levels of an enzyme (produced by out gut bacteria) called beta glucaronidase, which re-activates the sex hormones (not ideal). The wakame can be eaten as or can be used by adding it to the water when cooking food, like as a stock e.g. when cooking rice. 

My usual obsession with fibre in general comes into play here - increased fibre helps us have more consistent bowel movements - helping excretion of those sex hormones. If you are very constipated, then adding brassicas, miso and wakame is especially important. 


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