PCOS or just Cysts on your Ovaries?

Were you diagnosed with PCOS via ultrasound only, or as a young teen or just after coming off the oral contraceptive pill?

Listen to our instagram reels on this to hear why you might not actually have PCOS.

To be diagnosed with PCOS you need 2 out of 3 of the following Rotterdam 2003 criteria & have had any other conditions ruled out that might be causing them:

1. Irregular periods (8 or less periods a year or cycles longer than 35 days or less than 21)

2. High levels of ‘male hormones’ (androgens) like tesosterone - tested via blood test or symptoms like male pattern hair growth / acne

3. Cysts on your ovaries - seen via ultrasound (20 or more follicles)


Tackling Tendinitis or any inflammatory condition


Beetroot Benefits