Explaining the Controversy around Soybeans

Healthy or not? A controversial subject!
In Asian cultures soybean is consumed mainly in its fermented form which is seen as cooling, strengthening for the spleen and restoring the healthy functioning of pancreas.

Some inconclusive benefits:
- Benefits eyes and brain; contains lecithin and essential fatty acids in the form of Alpha Linolenic Acid
- Prevents bone loss and eases menopausal symptoms; provides calcium, vit K and isoflavone phytonutrients such as genistein and daidzen
- Restores youthful skin; contains vit E
- Protects against cancer; especially breast and prostate, but a lot more studies needed to confirm.
- Eases constipation; moistens dryness

Some important considerations:
- contains oxalates; not for those with sensitivities or kidney stones
- can cause allergic reactions; good to be aware
- most soy products contain denatured protein lacking the nutrients necessary for digestion
- contains goitrogens; so not for those with thyroid issues
- health benefits depend on plant genetics, growing, harvesting, processing and extracting conditions; these seem to be problematic especially for this legume

I am not convinced with soybeans so I would consume them only in small amounts and in fermented forms such as Natto, Tempeh, Tofu and Miso. In this form they provide pre-and probiotics and some even vits B, E, K, folic acid and iron too. Just be aware they can be very salty; and remember small amount goes a long way!


Spinach - Not always healthy!


Salt, and Potassium