Ashwagandha.... and Corona


Haven’t heard of Ashwagandha? Read on, you might be pleased to learn about this herb.

Ayurvedic Medicine has been using Ashwagandha, known as Indian ginseng, for thousands of years. Recently, it has been gathering momentum in the West thanks to it’s many amazing benefits:

Stress, physical and mental - very effective for even chronic stress and it’s related issues such as insomnia, anxiety, palpitations and headaches
Arthritis - works as an anti-inflammatory, best combined with turmeric for pain release
Anaemia - evidence from human studies shows that it increases red blood cells and iron levels
Fatigue - helps boost energy levels, especially if the fatigue is related to nerves
Memory and Ageing - benefits the brain and slows down the effects of ageing, such as improved sexual performance

There are no significant side effects with Ashwagandha at low dosages.

Recently, it has been shown that Covid 19 attacks red blood cells and affects iron levels negatively; and aren’t we all stressed now, during these surreal times? Try organic Ashwagandha root powder, about 1000mg daily. Give it a go!

Ghila Bali

After many years of my friends pushing me to do so, I’ve finally decided to share the fruits of my 30+ years of health and wellness knowledge.

Following a Ph.D in Economics I had a complete career change and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, graduating as an Acupuncturist over 25 years ago. Since then I have continued to study - completing degrees in Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Nutrition and becoming a Reiki Healer.

I continue to treat patients and am an avid reader of all things health. This page aims to provide a consolidated account of my past and continued learnings.

I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you take control of your health and better understand your body and mind.

Dirty Dozen and Clean 15…during Corona


Vitamin C…and Corona