Naturopathic Nutrition

At Vale of Health, Naturopathic Nutrition is about more than just eating healthy—it’s about understanding how to use the incredible healing properties of food to best nourish your body and mind.

We will be your detective, working to uncover the root cause of your problems, and teaching you how to use food to heal yourself. We don’t give you strict diet regimens that won’t last. Instead, we work with you to tailor a plan that creates lasting changes. We help you understand not just what foods will best serve you, but also how to shop for, combine and prepare them.

We focus on adding beneficial foods to balance your blood sugar before restriction. This approach boosts energy, helps you feel more satiated and reduces cravings. We aim for a food-first approach, and will only suggest testing or supplements that are really necessary. Our lifestyle advice is full of small, easy to make, changes that will make all the difference in improving your health and wellbeing.

How Naturopathic Nutrition Can Help:

  • Hormonal Health & Fertility: Nutrition plays a key role in regulating hormones and supporting fertility. We design research-backed, personalised plans to balance your hormones naturally, helping you optimise your fertility and overall reproductive health. If you are going through assisted reproduction, like IVF, we also help tailor your diet to your IVF cycle, knowing when it’s important to increase certain nutrients to give you the best success possible. It’s easy to underestimate the effect that food can have on conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, but changing your diet can be what stops you from experiencing symptoms daily and leaves you forgetting you ever were diagnosed in the first place. 

  • Chronic Illness, Autoimmune & Inflammatory Conditions: We will identify the root cause of your issues and create a plan to help you manage your symptoms and limit flare-ups. We understand the different Western Medicines and their side effects and can help tailor your diet to manage these too.

  • Mental Health: Food can be an incredibly powerful tool in alleviating anxiety and reducing stress. We understand that when you’re feeling low, cooking can be the last thing on your mind. However, our plans are designed to be easy to follow and work even when you’re feeling your worst. They will help lift you out of that place, and create lifetime habits that stop you from reaching that low point again.

  • Digestive Health: Gut health is the cornerstone of overall wellness. Whether you are suffering from diarrhea, bloating, constipation or a mixture of it all, we work with you to heal the gut through targeted nutritional strategies, supplements and mindful eating practices to restore balance to your digestive system.

Personalised Plans:

Each nutrition consultation begins with a comprehensive assessment of your health history, current concerns, and lifestyle. We create individualised plans that address your health needs while offering sustainable dietary advice. Whether it’s managing a condition, boosting energy levels, or preparing your body for pregnancy, our plans are tailored to help you reach your goals.

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