Continuing with beetroot, it was also actually used as an aphrodisiac in the roman times. This is because nitric oxide is a key mediator in penile is super useful for men with erectile dysfunction.

Ever wondered why oysters are also considered an aphrodisiac? It’s due to their high zinc content and zincs involvement in our reproductive health.

We need zinc for the production of our sex hormones (so it’s especially useful during puberty), and for making new sperm cells. Zinc is used therapeutically for treating infertility (male+female), erectile dysfunction and low testosterone levels.

Zinc is also important for the breakdown of alcohol and proteins. It is needed for thyroid health, and helps with acne and leaky gut. Its anti inflammatory, an anti oxidant, an anti viral and helps the immune + digestive systems generally.

Zinc deficiency is common and signs include: poor sense of taste/smell, recurrent infections, delayed wound healing, skin disorders (acne, dandruff, alopecia, white spots on finger nails), infertility, low libido, weak digestion (bloating/fatigue), reduced appetite, poor memory, extreme responses to stress and depression, loss of tolerance to alcohol.

Oysters are a great source of zinc and other foods include: crab/lobster/clams, sesame seeds, brazil nuts, pecans, rye flour, whole wheats (brown bread contains 5x the zinc than white bread), chickpeas, beef and lamb.


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