Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture
Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture, FCM, is a method of using fine needles inserted into the face and body to decrease the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, blemishes and sagging, whilst making the skin more firm and smooth.
FCA builds on the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM, acupuncture. It is a holistic practice which looks at the whole body and is able to benefit the whole person as part of a localised cosmetic treatment. This increases the benefits and leads to longer lasting results. This is a key way that FCA differentiates itself from other cosmetic treatments available.
FCA balances collagen and elastin, improves qi (energy) and blood circulation in the face. FCA increases microcirculation, lymphatic drainage, muscle tone to a more ‘youthful’ state and facial elasticity. FCA also increases oil and water content on the face, decreasing dryness of the skin which is associated with wrinkle formation.
Included with all our FCA treatments, is 20-25 minutes of LED mask therapy. This is a non-invasive cosmetic treatment involving the use of LED light to penetrate the skin. Different colours have different wavelengths, which penetrate to varying depths in order to achieve different benefits. Here the🚨light promotes collagen production and healing, helps regenerate the skin / anti ageing