Lysine - A Magic Cold Sore Solution

We all need loyal friends in life.. that is also true in health with supplements.

One such friend for me is Lysine; it has never let me down.

Lysine is an amino acid: proteins are made up of amino acids. Lysine is an ‘essential’ amino acid, meaning we need to obtain it from food as our bodies cannot make it.

Lysine benefits include:

  • In the rare occasions when I get a cold sore, Lysine does wonders to prevent the Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 which causes the cold sore, from replicating; hence reduces the duration of the cold sore.

  • In times of anxiety, Lysine helps reduce the levels of the stress hormone Cortisol, hence those stress induced anxieties.

  • Lysine also helps improve calcium absorption. It protects our bones and is therefore very useful for osteoporosis.

  • Last but not least, Lysine helps create collagen which promotes wound healing.

    However, do not take Lysine continuously as it might create an imbalance with other amino acids and also cause stomach problems. In times of need, 1000mg for 2-3 weeks is sufficient and for prevention 400-500 for few weeks may be beneficial.

    My favourite supplement is @gandgvits as it contains Zinc and Vitamin C for a further boost to the immune system.


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