Osteoarthritis: Treatment & Prevention
As we age, we all start feeling the symptoms of degenerative OA. These include morning stiffness, pain and tenderness in our joints (especially in our fingers, hands, knees, spine, and hips), restricted mobility, swelling, inflammation and bone spurs forming.
Primary OA occurs with years of ‘wear and tear’ and secondary OA results from some previous inflammatory condition such as gout, congenital abnormality or trauma.
Weight reduction, if overweight, is a must, to reduce the burden on those weight-bearing joints.
Following an anti-inflammatory diet is the second must. This is mainly a plant-based diet with no processed foods but with healthy fats such as omega 3 rich foods.
It is important to repair the gut if intestinal permeability is suspected. This means taking probiotics and eliminating toxins, stress and undesirable bacteria.
In Chinese medicine, we believe avoiding nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers, is effective.
Effective nutritional supplements:
Vitamins D3 with K2 (best source is sunshine)
Vitamins C and E
Glucosamine Sulfate, 1500mg daily
SAMe, 400mg 3x/ day
Minerals Mg, Zinc, boron; I love MAG365 BF with or without added calcium
Ginger, curcumin, green tea and rosemary
Balsam Cap Tawon cream on painful areas
Try acupuncture, laser therapy, exercise and ultrasound.. everything helps a little on the way.