Oats…protection against Corona?

During these extraordinary times, we need all the help we can get to keep healthy, mentally and physically. In that respect, oats are important as they restore our nervous system while giving us strength and energy.

Oats are warming and soothing for digestion.
They are a good source of protein and can be obtained gluten free.

They contain:
Zinc - amazing for our immune system

Magnesium - benefits the heart, sleep, energy and nervous system

Silicon - great for bones

Phosphorus and vit B1 - good for brain and nerve health 

Fibre (beta-glucan) - aids in diabetes and for heart health

Molybdenum - prevents harmful toxins accumulating

Biotin - good for the hair, skin and nails

During these challenging times, we need to strengthen our immune system and keep away the contagion. For these, oat water can help us - simmer 2,5 tbs of oat flakes in 1 litre of water for at least 2 hours, then drink it warm throughout the day.

in short, have oats one way or another every day.. at least until the world is a safer place.

Ghila Bali

After many years of my friends pushing me to do so, I’ve finally decided to share the fruits of my 30+ years of health and wellness knowledge.

Following a Ph.D in Economics I had a complete career change and studied Traditional Chinese Medicine, graduating as an Acupuncturist over 25 years ago. Since then I have continued to study - completing degrees in Chinese Herbs and Naturopathic Nutrition and becoming a Reiki Healer.

I continue to treat patients and am an avid reader of all things health. This page aims to provide a consolidated account of my past and continued learnings.

I hope you enjoy it and that it helps you take control of your health and better understand your body and mind.


Hay fever...and Corona: not fun!


Auto-immune..'in times of Corona'